Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's been an interesting summer.....

Ahhhhh....the 4th of July with, water, could anyone ask for? fun! A zip line.....what else could make this day any better????? CRASH! camp......Tyler had to have only sprung his wrist.....he is really gentle with it.....
OHHHHHH.....a buckle fracture! A cast!!!! For four goes the summer......
Bass Lake vacation with Liden side...tried to keep the water out....we truly tried.....
I was photographer of our VBS with church.....took pics of every child, did a slide show and more!

Yes, I have not blogged in two months! I guess life just got too hectic and I just got too tired and let my bloggin' go.....So, there are so many holes in our summer. WE have spent a lot of time with family and friends. We just got back from a visit with my parents and to Disneyland. I am awaiting some more pictures from Poppy.
And, through all of my busyness, I do remember that God's grace is enough for me! Thank goodness that HE is in control not me!

1 comment:

E and K said...

So good to see you back in the blog-world and see what you have been up to. That buckle fracture is such a bummer! We actually thought Ellie had one a couple of weeks ago and spent a good portion of the evening at urgent care getting x-rays. It ended up that she had dislocated her elbow...still painful but a much faster and easier recovery! I hope to talk to you soon.