Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Here they are...

I couldn't find where I put my pics....I found them. I am applying for a .20 FTE teaching position with a district in our town. It is only one day a week. It is kindergarten! I am actually really excited about the possibility. I am asking for prayer that if it's the Lord's will that this works out. I am praying that it is, but I want it to be by His power and plan, not ours.
I have been reminded that through every storm, God is just waiting with His hand stretched out for you to grab a hold of to weather it with him. Praise be to God! For HE is truly in control and I so many times forget it.
I am so thankful for my Christian friends and family who I can continually go to for prayer, encouragement and thanksgiving.

Monday, September 17, 2007


OK....so here is post number two....my first one I did wrong and so this one will be brief.
Tyler is loving preschool. Every morning he wakes up and wants to go. He likes to tell me of the injustices that ail him every day. Caleb is a second born....talking like crazy, counting a number or two, sing four letter of the alphabet.
Here are a few pics of the fun we've had lately.
I am so proud of my husband. He has been working so hard in his job and has really been working out....he is preparing for a half marathon in November!